Saturday, August 21, 2010

On our Radar

We spent the majority of Wednesday and Thursday driving through Missouri. To our dismay the Maps app. had a tendency to get us lost. In the end we scored a mix of scenic, abstract, geo, animal, fruit and paisley vintage prints! Yah!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Prints in the making

Here are some photos of book covers, canisters and platers. All I see lately is potential for pattern!

Monday, August 9, 2010

New news in the West Bottoms

Against all good judgement, we decided to go on the hunt for vintage in 110 degree weather. Five previously abandoned crumbling buildings that are conspicuously located aside a decomposing bridge(that's all I'll disclose of this precious location.... it's that good!) We only had two hours to sprint through all.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Print Sourcery

Our experience at the trade show was one filled with long hours, lovely compliments on our brand, and a dizzying array of introductions to wide ranging designers. It was a sort of sweet validation that we have something special to offer the industry.

Check out this time lapse of us constructing our booth!